Why do I get the message "Cannot publish to the specified host via FTP. Authorization failed." when trying to publish in Web Builder Plus? Print

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If you are receiving the message:
"The site cannot be published to the specified location.
Cannot publish to the specified host via FTP. Authorization failed."
when trying to publish, this generally means that the username and password the builder tool is using is incorrect. This is likely to occur if you have changed your control panel password, but can sometimes become corrupted for other reasons.

To resolve the problem, click the Edit Publish Settings text.
You should now check to see that the listed username is the domain name of your package without www. at the start.
You should also press the Change Password button to enter your current password. If you are unaware of this, you can find it on the main page in your control panel.

Finally, if this does not resolve the problem, please try checking the "Republish entire site content" button and publishing - this will take a bit longer, but often clears up issues.

If you still encounter problems, feel free to contact Insight Hosting to get the issue resolved.

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