The 'Services' Page Print

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This page is most relevant if your company specializes in rendering services. On the Services page you can describe all services provided, their prices, conditions.

To provide general services information, enter the following fields:

• Page Title:
The text that shows at the top of the Services page as a header.

• Services Intro Paragraph:
The introductory paragraph to the Services page.

• Services Secondary Paragraph:
Optional field where you can post additional information about services or post something like "The services we provide are:"

To add services, click the Add button. It will call a new form:

• Enter the Title of the service.

• Enter Link Label that will show as the title in the list of services at the top of the page (or press Same as Title if you want this link and the service title to be the same).

• Enter the description and other relevant info about the service in the Text field.

• Click Next to save info about the service.

The Services page can be edited

• To add more services, click Add and repeat all steps;

• To make some changes, click Edit;

• To delete services, click Delete;

• Click Next when finished.

• To change the order of products, click Order and follow online instructions.

Important: the peculiarity of the Services page is that the user should fill all the service fields. If some of the fields are left blank, you may have empty input boxes on this page. So, if there are not enough links to enter, it would probably be better to use the Generic page.

Make sure to click Next to go to preview page

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